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Becoming "UN-STUCK"

Do you find yourself feeling stuck in the same day to day rut? Unsure how to start a much-needed change? Ask yourself, who would I want to be if the options were limitless. If time and money didn't dictate your life and career. What goals do you want to accomplish?

Goals take change, change takes action, action takes movement.

Sounds easy, but the truth is, those first action steps can be the most difficult. So how can you push yourself from being stuck in the rut to accomplishing your goals?


Break down your goals:

Sometimes we set our sights on the big picture, not realizing all the smaller steps that are pertinent to achieving success. Is your goal something that may takes months or years to accomplish? What can you do along the way to keep you on track and accountable? The answer may lie in the form of weekly or monthly smaller goals. These sub-goals can help you feel more accomplished and less overwhelmed.

Let's say you want to buy a new house. Before you sign for a loan, you need to make sure you have good credit. Good credit requires you to pay off some debt, not make big unnecessary purchases, and save money for a down payment. Paying off debt requires you to be accountable and organized, which gives a sense of instant gratification and achievement. You've paid down the debt and now you're one step closer to approval for a loan!

Define "Success":

You are expert in your life, not your family, coworkers, or friends. While their opinions may matter, your definition of success is for you to interpret. What does success look like to you? Is it a job or something tangible? A feeling? Break down your ideals and dive into what truly motivates you. Some may want to achieve financial freedom, some want peace, while some want power. There is no right or wrong, just your interpretation of success.

Challenge yourself:

Learn to get comfortable with the uncomfortable. Change can be scary, but the idea of never reaching a goal can be even more frightening! What holds you back from change? Is it fear of failure? Fear of learning or experiencing something new? Take a deeper dive into what's holding you back and learn to conquer your fears.

Learn to let go:

Sometimes the hardest part of moving forward is letting go of what's holding you back. There is discomfort when you finally accept, release, or forgive the ghosts of your past. But once you take the forementioned actions, you can find peace and acceptance and feel the weight lifted off your shoulders.

Take time for you:

The simplest actions can prove to be the most important. Self-care is often neglected, and we focus all our time on those around us and never take a break to refill our own cup. This can cause burn out and fatigue. Taking time for you can be the necessary action to bust you out of your rut!

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